Divorced dads in Pennsylvania who want more custody time with their children have a better chance at joint custody now than in the past. Dads who want more time should approach it in a professional way that also takes into consideration the best interest of the child.
According to USA Today, requesting shared custody by the father has been a lot more common in the past years. One of the reasons is some of these parents have grown up in divorced families and have experienced the pain that comes with only seeing the father every once in awhile. There are also more stay-at-home dads then there were years ago, and they have an active role in their children’s lives. More and more courts are getting on board with equal custody, as they realize the emotional benefits it has on the kids.
Although there is a better chance dads will be granted shared custody, Huffington Post outlines some guidelines for those who are requesting this arrangement. Fathers should seek out an attorney who works with custody cases and understands the dad-side of the argument. Fathers should also speak up from the beginning about what they want. They should be able to demonstrate they know the child’s schedule, care and needs so they prove their request is good for the child as well. The best thing both parents can do to keep the arrangement friendly is to communicate with each other and outline a plan that is reasonable. Parents who are able to put aside their differences will have a much healthier relationship with their children.