Caring Guidance Through Child Custody And Support In Allegheny County
Regardless of their feelings about each other, parents will need to work together after their divorce or custody case is over. Many times, third parties such as lawyers and mediators can help parents work through issues such as child custody and support in a productive way.
At Beroes Law Center, we understand that minimizing animosity between parents is a crucial step in working together for their children’s future. Our family law attorneys strive to help parents reach a custody agreement using negotiation or mediation. We have extensive experience in this area. Founding attorney Elizabeth Ann Beroes is also a certified parenting coordinator who has been appointed as a neutral party in high-conflict custody cases. She also acts as a guardian ad litem, advocating on behalf of a child (or children) during legal proceedings.
Teamwork Is A Key To Our Success
Our team includes our skilled paralegal Shanice Williams. Shanice knows how to get things done right. This is critical in family law where paperwork and filings must be prepared in a particular way, and time is of the essence. When child custody is at stake, it’s also so important to be able to reach your attorney. Our team is here for you.
We understand the stress that accompanies child custody and support concerns. For a free consultation, please call us in Pittsburgh at 412-621-6811 to secure the experienced representation you need.
Protecting Your Relationship With Your Child
To work toward a custody agreement, we may help clients complete a parenting plan. A parenting plan or schedule allows parents to propose who will be with the children in the summers and on weekdays, weekends, vacations, holidays and birthdays. This is one step in the custody determination process.
Custody is awarded based on the best interest of the child. Legal custody gives parents the right to make decisions regarding education, health care and religion. Physical custody addresses the amount of overnights a parent obtains in a parenting plan or schedule. In Pennsylvania, parents may be granted shared custody, primary custody, partial custody or joint custody. Sometimes parents can only see their children in a supervised setting due to personal problems such as drug dependency or anger management issues. Each family is unique, and we will work with you to create an arrangement that meets your needs and is in your child’s best interest.
Child Support Is Critical To A Child’s Well-Being
Money is almost always an issue in a divorce, but parents must understand that child support is essential for a child. Statutory child support guidelines include factors such as each parent’s net income available for support, the number of children and number of overnight visits with each parent. Additional considerations include the child’s health insurance, medical expenses, child care expenses and extracurricular expenses.
Contact Us For Compassionate Representation
Call our office at 412-621-6811 to schedule a free consultation, or contact us online. Our child custody and child support attorneys represent clients in Allegheny County and the surrounding area. Our team is dedicated to helping you pursue a favorable outcome that reduces your stress and protects your family’s future.