Establishing when you and your spouse will be in charge of caring for the children the two of you share as your divorce is ongoing in Pennsylvania, can be one of the trickiest parts of finalizing the details of your separation. While the two of you may have been used to co-parenting under the same roof, now that your marriage has ended, both of you are moving forward with independent lives.
Working together with your spouse to create an agreement that will allow both of you to maintain personal boundaries, interests, responsibilities and obligations is only one part of the process of arranging child custody. You also have to take into consideration what is best for your children in terms of the location of you and your spouse and how that impacts your children’s schooling, extracurricular activities and ability to maintain friendships and relationships with people in their lives that are important to them. Coordinating these often-conflicting contingencies may make the process of finalizing a child custody plan difficult at times.
According to Today’s Parent, one helpful tip to remember is to transition out of being in a personal relationship with your spouse and start to think of and treat your interaction with him or her regarding your children, as a professional relationship. Speak cordially to your spouse when necessary and refrain from ever speaking negatively about him or her in front of your children. Discuss basic parenting goals and do your best to be on the same page for the benefit of your children. Remember that you can always include a clause in your agreement that allows you to modify your agreement later on as your life’s circumstances change.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.