Regardless of whether your initial child custody determination was agreed upon through negotiations or ordered after contested litigation, you might’ve felt a sense of relief when the battle was over. Yet, circumstances can change considerably, leaving you wondering...
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Child Custody
Can you protect your connection to your stepchild in situations of death or divorce?
Blood relations are not the only important roles in a child’s life. Often, a child’s connection to their stepparent can be a vital source of support and love. Unfortunately, these connections can be complex, especially in the face of a divorce or the death of a...
When custody matters cross state lines
Creating a fair custody arrangement can be uniquely challenging when parents live in different states. What should parents do to protect their connection with their child and ensure that they have the support they need? Find out which state has jurisdiction One of the...
Avoid these mistakes in your child custody case
When you’re in the midst of a contentious custody dispute, it’s easy to unwittingly make mistakes that put you at a disadvantage. In many of these instances, the parent is simply trying to do what’s best for themselves and their child, but their actions can actually...
Implement these five strategies into child custody negotiation
A lot of child custody disputes are highly contentious, with each parent flinging mud at the other to see who can come out the cleanest and with the most amount of time with their children. Fortunately, the majority of custody cases are resolved without the need for...
How can you stop parental alienation?
Parental alienation, the process through which one parent manipulates their child to distance the child from their other parent, is more common than people think. Some studies estimate that as many as 22 million adults are on the receiving end of parental alienation,...
Considering post-divorce life
Whether you have decades of marriage under your belt or were recently married, your identity has changed to a spouse and one-half of a union. Moving from that to being single can feel like a significant life shift -- because that’s exactly what it is. A divorce is a...
Co-parenting teenagers following a “gray divorce”
The "gray divorce" trend is seeing a resurgence in the news lately, as statistics were recently released stating that the gray divorce rate is expected to increase threefold from its 1990 numbers by 2030. A gray divorce is one involving spouses ages 50 and up. While...
Understanding child custody relocation requirements
When parents are divorced and have a child custody agreement in place, they must follow it. However, there are circumstances when a parent may need to relocate and the agreement needs to be changed. Relocation requirements and court process It is very important for...
Are grandparents entitled to visitation with their grandchild?
Sometimes grandparents retain a good relationship with both of their grandchild’s parents when the parents divorce. In this case, the parents generally allow and even encourage the grandparents to visit the grandchild. However, sometimes one parent stands in the way...