Your divorce is a major financial transaction. If you go into settlement negotiations or litigation without a well formulated game plan, then you could end up with an outcome that leaves you on shaky financial footing. To avoid any long-term money woes that may...
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When is spousal support required in a divorce?
Divorces are a messy time of upheaval. Besides the emotional rollercoaster, there are the material implications to deal with. In Pennsylvania, property division is done within an equitable distribution framework. This means there’s no assumption of a 50/50 split....
Do you know the basics of alimony if you are facing divorce?
It is easy for us to get caught up in the emotions of divorce, both good and bad. However, we cannot lose sight of the fact that divorce also has financial components that could affect our future for years to come. One of these financial components is alimony. Alimony...
What will a court consider when awarding alimony in a divorce?
Some people in Pennsylvania who have known others who receive alimony or pay alimony after a divorce may walk away with the sense that alimony is a very emotional topic and the subject of many arguments even after the divorce papers are signed. For some high-conflict...
Can I get alimony if I never married my partner?
You and your partner in Pennsylvania have split up after many years of living together, maybe even raising a couple of kids. Can you get alimony from your ex if you can't support yourself on your own? Unmarried partners can petition for palimony payments Family law...
What factors will courts consider when awarding alimony?
When a person in the Pittsburgh area decides to divorce, they may be very concerned with what their financial life will look like post-divorce. This may be especially true if they earn significantly less than their ex, or if they have been out of the workforce while...
Women can no longer expect alimony even as homemakers
It is natural for a woman who gave up her career to tend to the home to believe she will get spousal support after a divorce. After all, she lost a significant amount of income and perhaps gave up her peak earning years in Pennsylvania to care for the family. Even...
Alimony may cost you even more because of tax law changes
In 2018, many divorcing couples in Pennsylvania rushed to finalize their divorce before new tax laws took effect on January 1, 2019. Why was this? CNBC notes that at the start of 2019, alimony payments were no longer tax deductible under the tax reform. In contrast,...
More women are paying spousal support
Women in Pennsylvania are often shocked to find that they may be responsible for paying alimony after divorce. In fact, according to MarketWatch, more women are paying alimony than ever before. In a recent survey, 45 percent of lawyers reported an increase in women...
Significant alimony tax changes for 2019 and onward
You have been thinking about divorce for a while now, and you have been doing your research. While you have not actually talked to your spouse about it or filed for divorce, you want to make sure you're ready if it comes to that. You know it's wise to plan in advance...