Like most other states, Pennsylvania requires parents to support their children until the children turn 18 and graduate from high school. A parent in the Pittsburgh area should not count on support with 100% certainty once a child hits legal adulthood, which in the...
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Child Support
3 things to know about child support in Pennsylvania
The term "child support" refers to the court-ordered financial support that parents must provide for the benefit of their children. Under Pennsylvania law, the amount of child support that a parent must pay is based on specific factors and calculated based on the...
Requesting a child support modification
The court orders you to pay child support when your marriage ends. They base it on your income and the child's needs. For the first few years, you make every single payment. Then your financial situation changes. Maybe you start a new family and have additional...
Planning for child support during a divorce
When couples divorce in Pennsylvania, many are able to work out amicable arrangements without court orders. The non-custodial parent agrees to make regular contributions to expenses and parents work out who gets the children at various times of the month or year....
Modifying child support is possible in some cases
One of the most long-lasting financial effects of a divorce is often the child support order. Pennsylvania state law provides clear instructions for the custodial and noncustodial parent in terms of child support payments. In most cases, child support orders last...
Paying child support after losing your job
We have covered some of the different hardships that non-custodial parents face with respect to child support payments, from the denial of passport privileges to some of the unique circumstances parents find themselves in. For some people, paying child support can be...
When are passports denied over back child support?
Parents who struggle to pay their child support may have diverse concerns, such as losing their tax refund or facing other penalties associated with unpaid child support. What some may not realize is that unpaid child support can interfere with life in all sorts of...
Paying child support as a business owner
For some business owners, the financial consequences of ending their marriage can be tough, whether they struggled with the division of marital property or alimony. Child support payments can also be difficult for business owners for a number of reasons, from figuring...
Challenges related to unpaid child support
Many different legal issues arise for those who end their marriage, especially if they have children. Custody disputes can be very difficult, but child support can lead to ongoing problems if a parent is unable to pay what they owe or refuses to make payments on time....
The benefits of modifying a child support order
As a non-custodial parent who owes child support, you might have a number of responsibilities on your plate and stressors that arise on a daily basis. If you are unable to pay child support or expect that you will fall behind in the months to come, you could worry...